God Created You Very Good
1. Read Genesis 1 and 2 and summarize what each chapter is saying to you.
(His creation is His work of love for us! If you doubt this, as you read Genesis
1 and 2, make the creation story personal to yourself. You can do this by
asking yourself, “Why did He create that for me?” Example: God created the
sun so I can delight in its warmth and light on chilly days.)
2. At one time in my life, because of my childhood, I thought I was worthless. I
later realized from Genesis that I was very good in God’s sight. The word
“very” means exceedingly. The word “good” is defined by many positive
words. Some of the positive words are: beautiful, delightful, pleasant, glad,
precious, correct, excellent, lovely, convenient, joyful, fruitful, secure, kind,
and righteous. What if someone who loved you wrote you a letter using
these words to express what they thought about you? How would you feel?
Remember, these words are what God thinks about you! Take a few minutes
and think of that fact.
3. Answer the question, “What do you really think of yourself?” Take some time
with this question. Use your journal if you want. Ask the Spirit to search
your heart and mind, so you can answer truthfully. Be specific.
4. Take some of the positive words from above that define the word “good”.
Describe how that word applies to your life with God. (Examples: I am
beautiful to God because He called me very good in Genesis 1. I am
convenient to God, not an inconvenience as my childhood family led me to
5. You are very good in God’s eyes and that is the truth! Since you are very
good in God’s eyes, how should you think of yourself? Use God’s Word to
answer this question if you can.
God created everything in 6 days. After each day of creation God saw that what
He had made was good. Yet, after God had created everything – especially man and
woman, He saw that all He had created was very good. You are very good in God’s
eyes! Genesis 1:31 says,
And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was
evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
He had made was good. Yet, after God had created everything – especially man and
woman, He saw that all He had created was very good. You are very good in God’s
eyes! Genesis 1:31 says,
And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was
evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
1. Read Genesis 1 and 2 and summarize what each chapter is saying to you.
(His creation is His work of love for us! If you doubt this, as you read Genesis
1 and 2, make the creation story personal to yourself. You can do this by
asking yourself, “Why did He create that for me?” Example: God created the
sun so I can delight in its warmth and light on chilly days.)
2. At one time in my life, because of my childhood, I thought I was worthless. I
later realized from Genesis that I was very good in God’s sight. The word
“very” means exceedingly. The word “good” is defined by many positive
words. Some of the positive words are: beautiful, delightful, pleasant, glad,
precious, correct, excellent, lovely, convenient, joyful, fruitful, secure, kind,
and righteous. What if someone who loved you wrote you a letter using
these words to express what they thought about you? How would you feel?
Remember, these words are what God thinks about you! Take a few minutes
and think of that fact.
3. Answer the question, “What do you really think of yourself?” Take some time
with this question. Use your journal if you want. Ask the Spirit to search
your heart and mind, so you can answer truthfully. Be specific.
4. Take some of the positive words from above that define the word “good”.
Describe how that word applies to your life with God. (Examples: I am
beautiful to God because He called me very good in Genesis 1. I am
convenient to God, not an inconvenience as my childhood family led me to
5. You are very good in God’s eyes and that is the truth! Since you are very
good in God’s eyes, how should you think of yourself? Use God’s Word to
answer this question if you can.